I was trying to wait until after my homework was finished to post today but I couldn't wait. Today was the first day of Beau's healing, that's the way I like to think of it. Yesterday was his first Chemo so today is the beginning of his improvement. Let me tell you all, he seems to be doing great.
I want everyone to know something very important: I would never put my dog through any pain. The second Beau seems to be miserable with cancer, I will do what any responsible dog owner would do... I will put him down. That is not something I like to think about because I truly believe Beau is going to be strong and fight this. But I don't think it is right to keep an animal alive when they are hurting just so that I can be happy. Moving on... it seems everyday I find a new lesion on Beau. I hate that more than anything. Although, some of his lesions are decreasing in size which is wonderful and gives me hope that his internal tumors might be shrinking also. Every time he breathes super heavily I can't help but picture his lungs covered with tumors, that thought hurts my heart. But maybe his meds are doing their job, maybe the tumors are disappearing. Along with Chemo, Beau is taking 1/2 of a 20 mg prednisone pill everyday. Prednisone seems to make Beau very thirsty, hungry all the time (even though Beau has always been constantly hungry), and urinate often. Prednisone also makes him puffy and gain wait. Just to make him happier -and make myself feel better- I have increased his food. I used to feed him 1/2 cup of dog food once daily. Now I feed him in the morning and at night. I fill his bowl to the rim. Guilty. I should be trying to watch his weight because right now - according to Dr. Hillers - he is at the perfect weight. But, he has cancer, why not let him eat what he wants? There's been much speculation about dog kibble; some say it is bad for your dog with all those chemicals. Honestly, I have no idea whether that is true or just a bunch of bologna. Either way, I have no idea what is in dog food, so I have been feeding him people food since starting treatment. I'm very careful I don't give him anything processed! So he's been eating chicken, tuna (only rarely), chick peas, etc. I plan on going to Costco and getting more chicken breast, some fish filet, and brown rice to feed him. I find it funny that I've been cooking for him more than I've been cooking for me.
I've got a couple of silly Beau stories to tell; hopefully they make you giggle. Last night after I posted my first entry, Kersten and I went to go get some take out. When I take Beau in the car with me I usually just put his collar on and walk out front because he never runs off, he typically just goes straight to the car. Well, my neighbors were just coming home and were in their garage attempting to close the door. Beau ran straight over to their house and strolls right into the garage. Of course the garage gets stuck and I hear the woman say, "What the hell was that..." I immediately tell them how sorry I am and I look over to see Beau sniffin' around the garage waggin' his tail as if this is his home. I tell them not to be worried that it's just my dog bein' a goof ball (as usual). They come over and pet Beau and say how cute he is (of course). Then the woman notices one of Beau's lesions and says "What is that on his back?" I was a little shocked at how up front she was, it's like she thought I was beating him or something. The only thing I could think to respond with was the truth, so I told her he has cancer. Her response was, "Oh, is he okay?" All I wanted to say to her was, "OH YEAH HE'S JUST PEACHY! CANCER IS SO MUCH FUNNN! Seriously Lady? What the hell do you mean is he okay!?" Anyway, Beau enjoyed meeting new people and hanging out in their garage. Typical B, always makin' pals. This afternoon
I took Beau with me to pick up my prescription at CVS Pharmacy. I pulled up to the drive through, rolled down my window and Beau immediately jumps up and puts half his body out. He does this every time I roll my window down because he's expecting some nice person to be giving him treats on the other side. The pharmacist immediately asked me who I had with me so I made the proper introduction, Beau meet Pharmacist, Pharmacist meet Beau. She asked me if she was allowed to give him a bone; I always find this silly because what dog owner would refuse their dog a free bone? She then asked some more questions about my beautiful boy. The whole time I was hoping she wouldn't notice his lesions because I really hate explaining it to people; luckily she didn't see them. The nice lady then told me I should bring him back when my prescription was ready because she wanted to see him again. It makes me happy when I see Beau bringing smiles to people's faces because that is what he does to me, he brings happiness into my life every day.
3 today from Maggie West: my step-Mom to be :), Summer Helmbeck, and Adrien Pesque who donated very generously! I want to thank everyone so much for continuing support! Please share our story and try getting some donations! Love you all!
Beau takin a nap today... Here you can see some of his skin irritation caused by the lymphoma, around his nose, mouth, eyes, in his ears and on his chest. |
This is a bible verse that I enjoyed reading. That is how I am feeling right now. I have hope in His word. He is protecting me and B. |
A prayer for healing. My wonderful Aunt Susie gave me this prayer book. Please pray for Beau with me :) |